Terms of Use


Website & Company Information (www.theteamcoyle.com)

Terms of Use | Terms and Conditions

(Last Updated (July 20, 2022)

IMPORTANT: The terms herein not only apply to this website (www.theteamcoyle.com) but also to any content produced and published by Team Coyle via any form of communication including but not limited to blog posts, web pages newsletters, emails, etc.  IF YOU CLICK ON A LINK THAT BRINGS YOU TO THIS WEBPAGE THEN YOU SHOULD ASSUME THAT THE CONTENT/PUBLICATON WHERE YOU FOUND THE LINK IS COVERED BY THIS TERMS OF USE.

This website (“Site”; www.theteamcoyle.com) is owned and operated by TEAM COYLE. These Terms of Use (“Terms of Use”) contain the terms, covenants, conditions, and provisions upon which you (also referred to herein as “User”) may access and use this Site and the content, including blog posts, opinions, other materials, and publications (collectively, the “Materials”) displayed on this site.

TEAM COYLE reserves the right to change or update the terms and conditions of these terms of use, at any time, by posting it on our website. You are bound by any such revisions if you continue to use the website after we have posted the changes. Further, we suggest that you periodically visit this page to review the most recent Terms & Conditions. If you decide to purchase services from TEAM COYLE, the terms and conditions specified in your agreement with TEAM COYLE will apply.

These Terms of Use shall apply to any TEAM COYLE mobile application or TEAM COYLE content on third-party social media services (e.g., a TEAM COYLE Facebook® page, LinkedIn Page, Twitter Page, Google+ Page, etc.) that reference these Terms of Use. In such instances, the term “Site” shall include the applicable mobile application or TEAM COYLE content whenever that term is used herein.

By using this Site, you acknowledge that you have read these Terms of Use, understand them, and agree to be bound by their terms and conditions. If you do not agree to these Terms of Use you shall neither access nor use this Site. 

Terms and Conditions

    1. Grant of License: These Terms of Use provide you with a personal, revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the site conditioned on your continued compliance with the terms and conditions of these Terms of Use. You may, on an occasional and an irregular basis, print and download materials on the site solely for personal and non-commercial use, or, only to the extent permitted by an Other Agreement (defined below), for internal business use, provided that you do not obscure, alter, remove or delete any copyright, trademark or other proprietary notices contained in such materials. With the exception of the foregoing and except as otherwise expressly permitted herein, you may not modify, create derivatives of, copy, distribute, broadcast, transmit, reproduce, publish, license, transfer, sell, mirror, frame, “deep link”, “scrape”, data mine, or otherwise use any information or material obtained from or through this Site. Further, you may not post any content from this Site to forums, newsgroups, list serves, mailing lists, electronic bulletin boards, or other websites, without the prior written consent of TEAM COYLE. You warrant to TEAM COYLE that you will not use this Site for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these Terms of Use, including but not limited to attempting or actually (i) disrupting, impairing or interfering with this Site, (ii) collecting any information about other users of this Site, including passwords, accounts or other information, or (iii) systematically extracting data contained on this Site to populate databases for internal or external business use. 


  1. Restrictions on Use of Materials: This website is owned and operated by TEAM COYLE. Except as otherwise expressly permitted in writing by TEAM COYLE, no materials from this website or any website owned, operated, licensed or controlled by TEAM COYLE may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, hyperlinked, or distributed in any way. You may download material displayed on this website for your use only and provided you do not remove any copyright, trademark and other proprietary notices contained on the materials. You may not distribute, modify, transmit, reuse, repost, link or use the content of this website for public or commercial purposes, including the text, images, audio, and video without TEAM COYLE’s written permission. 
  1. Intellectual Property Rights: All Materials contained on the Site, unless otherwise indicated, is protected by law including, but not limited to, United States copyright, trade secret, and trademark law, as well as other state, national, and international laws and regulations. The Site, its content, layout, and design are the exclusive property of TEAM COYLE or its licensors and, except as expressly provided herein, TEAM COYLE does not grant any express or implied right in any such Materials to you. In particular, and without limitation, TEAM COYLE owns the copyright in the Site as a collective work and/or compilation, any and all databases accessible on the Site, and in the selection, coordination, arrangement, and enhancement of the content of the Site. TEAM COYLE and all other names, logos, and icons identifying TEAM COYLE’s products and services are proprietary marks of TEAM COYLE or its licensors. Third-party trademarks displayed on the Site are the property of their respective owners. 
  1. Trademarks & Copyright: All trademarks, services marks, trade names, logos, icons and domain names located on this website are the property of TEAM COYLE. Nothing contained on the website should be construed as granting, by implication or otherwise, any license or right to use any trademark, service mark, trade name, logo, icon and domain name displayed on this website without the written permission of TEAM COYLE or third party that may own such marks or names displayed on this website. Your use of the trademarks, service marks, trade names, logos, icons and domain names displayed on this website, or any other content on this website, except as provided herein, is strictly prohibited. Images displayed on this website are either the property of, or used with permission by, TEAM COYLE. The use of these images by you, or anyone else authorized by you, is prohibited unless specifically permitted. Any unauthorized use of the images may violate copyright laws, trademark laws, the laws of privacy and publicity, and communications regulations and statutes. 
  1. Links to Other Websites: This website maybe hyperlinked to other websites which are not maintained or controlled by TEAM COYLE. TEAM COYLE is not responsible for the content of those websites. The inclusion of any hyperlinks to such websites does not imply approval of or endorsement by TEAM COYLE of those websites, their content or their products and services. If you have difficulty linking to any hyperlinked websites or to report a dead (non-working) link, please send us an e-mail to [email protected]. 
  1. No liability for any errors or omissions: The information contained in this Website has been provided by TEAM COYLE. Material discussed on this website is meant to provide general information and should not be acted on without obtaining professional advice tailored to your firm’s individual and specific needs. This information is for general guidance only and is not a substitute for professional advice. It does not constitute legal, professional, commercial or any other type of advice. TEAM COYLE gives no guarantees, undertakings, or warranties in this regard, and does not accept any legal liability or responsibility for the content or the accuracy of the information so provided, or, for any loss or damage caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with reliance on the use of such information. TEAM COYLE accepts no responsibility for keeping the information in this website up to date or any liability whatsoever for any failure to do so. 
  1. Material on this website does not constitute legal and/or professional advice: Any views, opinions and guidance set out in this website are provided for information purposes only, and do not purport to be legal and/or professional advice or a definitive interpretation of any law. Anyone contemplating action in respect of matters set out in this website should obtain advice from a suitably qualified professional adviser based on their unique requirements.
  1. Assumption of Risk: You use the Internet solely at your own risk and subject to all applicable local, state, national, and international laws and regulations. While TEAM COYLE has endeavored to create a secure and reliable website, please be advised that the confidentiality of any communication or material transmitted to/from this Site over the Internet cannot be guaranteed. Accordingly, TEAM COYLE is not responsible for the security of any information transmitted via the Internet, the accuracy of the information contained on the Site, or for the consequences of any reliance on such information. TEAM COYLE shall have no liability for interruptions or omissions in Internet, network or hosting services. You assume the sole and complete risk of using the Site.
  1. Governing Law: These Terms of Use, including (without limitation) any disputes relating to the content and use of the Site is governed by the laws of the State of Massachusetts. 
  1. DISCLAIMER: The information and descriptions contained on our website are not intended to be complete descriptions of all terms, exclusions, and conditions applicable to every service offered by TEAM COYLE but are provided ‘as is’ and for general informational purposes. TEAM COYLE makes no representations or warranties that the materials are suitable for your needs, are complete, timely, reliable, or are free from errors, inaccuracies, or typographical mistakes. TEAM COYLE does not warrant that the website will operate error free or is free from viruses, worms, Trojan horses or other destructive or harmful code. TEAM COYLE also assumes no responsibility, and shall not be liable for, any damages to your computer equipment or other property as a result of your access to, use of, or browsing in the website or your downloading of any materials, data, text, images, video, or audio from this website or arising in connection with any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, defect, computer virus, delay in operation or transmission, or line or system failure. 
  1. NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE DISCLAIMER: This WEBSITE (www.theteamcoyle.com) and its content is created and authored by Team Coyle and is published and provided for informational and entertainment purposes only (not investment advice). The statements, views and opinions expressed on this website (including posts, newsletters, or other related material) are solely those of Team Coyle and SHOULD NOT be considered financial or investment advice. Moreover, Team Coyle assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of any information, statements, forecasts, estimates, assumptions, or opinions expressed on this website and is under no obligation to notify users, viewers, readers or subscribers of any changes or updates to those opinions, etc. Actual events may differ materially from those assumed or presented. Moreover, the views and opinions expressed herein reflect Team Coyle’s opinions as of the publication date and are subject to change without any obligation to notify.  INFORMATION OR CONTENT PUBLISHED ON THIS WEBSITE OR ANY OTHER TEAM COYLE PUBLICATION/COMMUNICATION (EMAIL, NEWSLETTERS, POSTCARDS, ETC.) ARE PROVIDED FOR INFORMAITONAL AND EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY.  TEAM COYLE DOES NOT PROVIDE INVESTMENT ADVICE.
  1. Contact Information: Any questions regarding the site, “Terms of Use” and/or “Terms and Conditions should be emailed to [email protected].
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